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Join the Free IT Course at Governor House Sindh Karachi!

2023-05-26 22:17   Internship Training Learning   Karachi   227 views Reference: 10446

Location: Karachi

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Free IT Course Governor House Sindh

Free IT Training for 50,000 Youth: Transforming Karachi into an IT Hub

Looking to enhance your IT skills? Don't miss the opportunity to enroll in the Free IT Course offered at Governor House Sindh Karachi. This comprehensive course covers a wide range of IT topics, empowering you with in-demand skills for today's digital world. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity and unlock new career prospects. Limited slots available, so sign up now!



Programming Fundamentals

Course Outline

1. HTML and CSS (Homework)

2. Web 3.0 and Metaverse Theory

3. Fundamentals of JavaScript (ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification)

4. Fundamentals of JavaScript and Node.js Quiz

5. Object-Oriented Programming with TypeScript

6. TypeScript for React

7. Quarter Break Assignments and Quizzes

Web2 Using NextJS

Course Outline

1. Next.js 13 Web Development

2. Next.js 13 using Chakra UI (Remote Zoom Class)

3. UI/UX Design with Figma, TailwindCSS, and Chakra UI (Remote Zoom Class)

4. API Routes with Next.js (Remote Zoom Class)

5. APIs with Next.js and tRPC (Remote Zoom Class)

6. SQL and Prisma

7. Next.js 13 using TailwindCSS (Remote Zoom Class)

8. AWS Application Composer (Remote Zoom Class)

Earn as You Learn

Course Outline

1. Earn While You Learn Projects:

2. Build Full-Stack Next.js 13 Jamstack Templates

3. Build QraphQL APIs


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Machine Learning, Data Science, and AI

2. Building Next-Gen Intelligent Apps with OpenAI’s Powerful Models

3. Python Crash Course for TypeScript Developers

Web 3 and Metaverse

Course Outline

1. Blockchain and Metaverse Theory

2. Smart Contract Development in Solidity

3. Dapp Development using Ethers.js and Next.js 13

4. Tokennomics

5. Blockchain Project: Create a Token and Launch ICO/IEO/IDO

Cloud-Native Computing

Course Outline

1. Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure 3rd Edition

2. Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes

Ambient Computing and IoT

Course Outline

1. Alexa Skill Development

2. Alexa with Matter Protocol

Genomics and Bioinformatics

Course Outline

1. Textbook Genomics and Bioinformatics

Network Programmability and Automation

Course Outline

1. TextbookNetwork Programmability CCNA

How to Apply:

Registration Here

Tuition Free Education Program on Latest Technologies

Click here for more detail FreeITCourse

Other Useful LINKS


Artificial Intelligence,

Cloud Computing


Web 3

Data Sciences

Web Development

Graphic Designing


Digital Content Creation